The Witcher: Voleth Meir (2021)
Season 2, Episode 7
Almost a program about traveling by horse.
18 April 2022
I am no fan of Netflix and usually find their movies flawed with plot holes, bad manuscripts and other annoyances. And this is another episode in this season that was barely OK and a letdown after the first season and this seasons first episode! After the first episode of this season this series have become more and more disappointing to me.

I have played the three The Witcher games, but not read the books.

In a series about The Witcher I expect action and at least a scene with a monster being fought. In this episode there was not even a glimpse of a monster or a monster fight! I really hope that this episode at least is a part of a build up for something large, because except for the first episode, the second season have been a disappointment so far!

Other than that, the acting, some of the characters, the CGI, the music, were..................................good ;-)
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