The Witcher: Redanian Intelligence (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
Getting a bit boring.
17 April 2022
I am no fan of Netflix and usually find their movies flawed with plot holes, bad manuscripts and other annoyances. And this episode was barely OK and a letdown after the first season and this seasons first episode! After the first episode of this season this series have become more and more disappointing to me.

I have played the three The Witcher games, but not read the books. But too much of this episode feels "off". Several of the characters seems to me to behave out of character, and that ruins much of the immersion for me.

In a series about The Witcher I expect action and at least a scene with a monster being fought. In this episode there was just barely a glimpse of a monster, and no real monster fight! I really hope that this episode at least is a part of a build up for something large, because except for the first episode, the second season have been a disappointment so far!

Other than that, the acting, some of the characters, the CGI, the music, were..................................good ;-)
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