Hopping down memory trail
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And here I thought that this movie was a fever dream, Lol! I bet most people had this stuck in their subconscious somewhere deep because this movie is obscured. I decided to watch it again on Easter. I think I saw this when the movie was released on Cartoon Network- 2005 so it was a long time ago.

After watching it, my thoughts on it changed. The CGI is complete garbage. It reminds me of Casper's Scare School types of level CGI. So yeah, the CGI is terrible. The characters look like their eyes are bulging out of their eye sockets like they are in space suffocating without oxygen.

Speaking of the characters, they look ugly. I don't know what else to say. The big eyes and modeling of them look off putting.

The good thing about this movie is that I found voice actors that I know quite well. Christopher Llyod and Tom Kenny. I thought a few characters were likable like Junior Cottontail, Iron Tail, and Jackie Frost. The songs were enjoyable while one is a bop called "Ice Life" sung by Jackie Frost. Finally, the plot was decent. I hate to go through the whole plot so I will keep it short. Jackie Frost wants to make Winter eternal so with Iron Tail making a return, he wants revenge against Peter Cottontail for taking the role of the Easter Bunny that Iron wanted to be. The two work together to steal all of the seasons of Spring, Summer, and Fall. It is up to Peter's son, Junior and his friends to save the seasons and restore balance. So yeah, the plot isn't too bad. It's either decent or okay.

Overall, this movie is cute and fun for the family to enjoy on Easter.
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