Post #metoo era - meaning of consent
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series is about toxic virility. It portrays a politician starting from his university years to his maturity years as a family dad and a minister in modern Britain. With various back and forts in time, we see the construction of the toxic male in Britain - excess boozing, vandalizing, assaulting women, entitlement and group aggression. Our protagonist is sometimes a witness, sometimes a bi-stander, sometimes a participatory and sometimes a critic. Finally, ending up being accused of rape, himself. I understand the subtext of the series too well, and it was really very well directed, however, it is all to didactic. Nobody wants to watch a moral discourse for hours. There are also side plots, like the women prioritizing marriage as an institution over truth, self realization etc.

I am sorry I did not find it very interesting / engaging and there is a very condescending tone. I would not recommend it.
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