Rent-a-Girlfriend (2020–2025)
15 April 2022
Oh boy, here's my first review on an anime... I'm absolutely gonna get roasted by this review. Don't expect a lot on this okay...

I am into comedy and romance/harem anime, since I want to find out who really is the perfect girl. I found Rent-a-Girlfriend in some videos on YouTube and it looks really amazing so there no doubt that Rent-a-Girlfriend would be pretty good, just by judging it by its artstyle.

Rent-A-Girlfriend is no doubt one of, actually if not, the best anime I've seen so far. I'm sorry Assassination Classroom and Saiki K, you were fantastic, but I just absolutely love Rent-a-Girlfriend so much I wished all of these characters were real so that I can embrace them

Story - 7/10

I like the story of how this renting a girlfriend became a part of Kazuya's life after getting dumped by Mami.

Here's what I think is the real purpose of renting a girlfriend, it's to let people who got dumped or to let virgins (like me, wooo virginity rocks) learn about what's in a relationship and how to deepen the bond that would be useful for your future relationship. In the words of Ruka, they're basically a trial girlfriend, which you can practice on whenever you finally got the chance to have a girlfriend. (To virgins out there: I'm giving you hope. Don't give up easily just because you can't find the one.) It's a really cool concept but it's a common thing in Japan where you can rent people like you can rent a mom or a friend like that.

Art - 10/10

Although the animation is decent and is acceptable for me to enjoy, the art style is just phenomenal. I just love the art style like this art style was really meant to give the characters an absolutely spectacular look on them and this is the reason why I was really desperate to watch Rent-a-Girlfriend since February (and at that time, I haven't searched any good anime websites and only knew of Netflix.) It's by far the best art style I've seen, absoltely smashing my former favorite art style, the JoJo Part 4 artstyle.

Characters - 7/10

Kazuya: He's pretty scummy not gonna lie. He also has frequent sexual fantasies whenever he thinks about a person like Mami or Chizuru that I am enjoying as well (god I'm so degenerate). He's hated, which I get why, since that episode where he stalked Chizuru which made me dislike him. He doesn't deserve a LOT of hate to be honest. He has his good side as well you know? Don't be pessimistic about this dude. Imo kazuya is a simp,but the most realistic and relatable simp you'll ever find.

Chizuru: THE PERFECT GIRL, so far. She's easily best girl (sorry Ruka and Sumi) but the problem is that she still tries to be nice to Kazuya after all of that horrible things Kazuya has done (like stalking)

Ruka: A really close competitor to Chizuru for best girl. She's obsessed to Kazuya just because her BPM reached above 90. That's the only thing I hate about her. Other than that, she's a total bombshell ngl.

Sumi: An underrated cutiepie. I don't hear a lot of people saying Sumi is best girl. She's extremely shy, and doesn't really talk a lot due to the fact she's shy. I like her.

Mami: Kazuya's ex. She wants to ruin Kazuya's "relationship". She's just a total idiot that I can't even stand at all. She's the antagonist so far anyway.

Location: Dumpster Fire

Sound: 9/10 I love the opening and the EDs, especially First Drop. Sound effects are really good and all, and I like it, there's really not much to say tbh.

Enjoyment: 18/10 I am absolutely having a blast watching Rent-a-Girlfriend. There are times that were cringe, but I didn't feel the cringe at all. It's like this is my guilty pleasure enjoying and laughing at those sex jokes Kibe and Kuri makes and sexual fantasies that Kazuya imagines. All in all, I love it, absolutely enjoyable.

Overall: 10/10 The enjoyment is just out of the charts and that this is so worth watching it. You might enjoy the little horniness that Kazuya and his friends produce, but all in all, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Can't wait for S2.
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