Poor acting, poor script - Poor Emily!
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a fan of Dickinson's work but didn't know much about her life and wanted to find out more than I knew about her..... recluse and had a few poems published in her lifetime, the rest came after her death. We are told there are nearly 2,000 but as most of these are about four lines, of course she's seen as prolific!

The film's opening scene is ridiculous and seemingly from a comedy sketch - the two ladies in Victorian apparel getting stuck into each other; kissing which leads to more. Apparently Emily was a lesbian. Interpretations of her poems and letters tells someone this and suddenly she is lauded as such. At least there were letters, unlike poor Mary Anning who simply because she had a friendship with lady, was suddenly a lesbian in the awful film 'Ammonite'. Instead of concentrating on her achievements, we have her frolicking with her lady friend.

Anyway, back to Emily's film. We then have a some very poor acting, some over acting and some plain bad acting. We have Emily and Susan snogging each other at every opportunity, and having relations when they can - even twenty years down the line. In the film poor Emily transforms from an attractive young woman to plain old hag (but she died at 55!). The actress playing old Emily has the most odd facial expressions at attempting humour

There seems to be no authenticity to the film. The actresses have no look about them of the Victorian period, modern make up and thinly plucked eyebrows and modern hairstyles. The dialogue is modern too. Very odd.

The film implies that Emily preyed on single women - a friend 'Kate' suddenly leaves the house, half dressed. It seems Emily was responsible!

The scene with the old Judge talking to Emily of The Brontes work and mixing up all books was pretty daft and made a mockery of the wonderful Brontes, whose work is much more popular and well known than Emily's.

The film ends with claims of 'evidence' of Emily's relationships with Susan and the woman named Kate. It also states there is a myth about Emily being a half cracked recluse- this is exactly how the film portrays her

A dreadful film - attempting humour and failing.
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