The Flash: Resurrection (2022)
Season 8, Episode 11
Better than last two ,but still not up to the mark
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is mainly focused on Caitlin which is not a bad thing. It's better than chuck or allegra or frost.

And this is the episode where Ronnie appears. He appear in flashbacks with Caitlin from the time he met to the time he proposed. It was nice to see Ronnie.

Regarding the black flame, yes it is Ronnie(sort of). And apparently wants to be saved from these flames, as everyone believes it is like hell for in those flames.

Barry and cecil believe that the black flame may not be the Ronnie they know, could be some evil guy. But Caitlin doesn't believe that and is adamant on saving her dead husband(as she should be). After a series of argument, Caitlin gets her way, and does end up saving Ronnie as we see Ronnie getting his physical form back.

The theme of this episode is about the resurrection of the dead/past. And it is shown that nothing good comes of it. Barry also gives some validation to the theme regarding the bad things that happened after Flashpoint which I thought was pretty nice when arguing with Caitlin. I think the theme fits this episode well, which had been lacking in the previous 2 episodes.

Back to the episode, now we see Ronnie stabilized in star labs with team flash apologizing to Caitlin about doubting her. Then some time later in the night, the twist happens, it turns out Ronnie isn't exactly Ronnie and he got what he wanted(the splicer thing which was used for firestorm)when Caitlin saved him. He says Ronnie is dead, and his death gave me life. And his villainous form comes out and says "I Am Deathstorm".

So the antagonist for this graphic novel is Deathstorm. I'll talk about Deathstorm in just a bit.

Now the iris part of the story.... So tinya gets mad as she thinks iris vapourised her mother and so uses her powers makes Iris go poof as well. LOL. Iris is transported to some other place mostly. Sue then tells barry of this incident and Barry is shocked. That's pretty much it.

This episode was pretty good honestly. It's not the best but still is not bad.


The issues I have regarding this story as of now is that there is too much "talking" rather any action. When I mean action I don't literally mean fighting, I mean like doing things outside star labs with proper detective work. I just get the feeling that the writers are lazy to make Barry run around investigate properly and add more character to black flame in the previous 2 episodes.

Regarding iris, her story about the time sickness hasn't moved forward at all. We still don't know much about it apart from it making things go poof.

And this episode has been stuck with only 1 scene of iris which was her disappearing. The story for both the Deathstorm arc and this time sickness arc needs to go faster it is very very slow paced. Sure this episode picked things up, but its not enough.

Last episode, instead of really adding more depth to the black flame persona, it chose to go withwith the Snow family drama. The problem with the writers are that they do not know the priorities to give to the storylines of the episode. Even a rookie writer can recognize this. So that has to improve.

Now with Deathstorm, I hope they can show us his origins properly and can explain his goals with proper reasons. Now that he is tangible, it's high time we get some proper fighting, like with flash and maybe frost.

This may upset some fans but this story at this moment isn't a whole lot better than the forces story line AS OF YET. The pivotal point lies in the next 2 episode. The writers need to get their storyline priorities straight. And when they do, they need to pace it well.
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