Father Stu (2022)
Absolutely moving
14 April 2022
Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson star in this unbelievable true story that will have you sobbing in tears when the lights turn on. From the opening scene to the end of the credits it's like your in the room watching them film this.

Father Stu is not your ordinary faith base movie it is rated R for language throughout and to be honest this movie probably needed it. This in my opinion was probably one of Mark's better movies in years and same with Mel one of his best in years. They are great actors on their own, but every movie that they do together is a masterpiece.

Like I said this is rated R so don't go in to this thinking it's a family film and I guess it is in the fact that it's a faith film, but just with tons of language. I highly recommend seeing Father Stu.
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