Review of F.R.E.D.I.

F.R.E.D.I. (2018)
A kid's movie--- maybe
13 April 2022
It is mildly entertaining. Kids may like it or not, depending on the kids. Most adults will tolerate it. Quite often our enjoyment of a film comes from watching the delight and reaction of the kids.

This is pure cookie cutter writing, totally predictable. I had the ending figured out as soon as they described how the robot was built. I mean COMPLETELY figured out, from the climax to the very final scene. It's that predictable. (No spoilers.)

Directing, script, and acting are all mediocre. Although everyone fills their parts well... they really weren't given much of a script to work with. As a result the robot had the most interesting personality of the movie.

One major concept flaw in the story: the robot's abilities of themselves (the manipulation beam, its medical spray, and dare I say the AI tech itself)-- would both be worth more money on the market than any other conceivable application. Forget the robot; sell the applications, with no ethical or legal problems. They'd soon be the richest people on Earth.

That major plot hole alone put the movie on the tipping side of absurd. But then, when watching a kid's movie one can expect absurd. Vapid stupidity from the bad guy is a basic trope of children's cinema, so no big shock there. It just seems the story could have been a little less "molded" and a bit better thought-out. Instead, this one boldly goes where other robot movies have gone before... but not quite as well.

Note to parents: the repeated taser scenes may be a bit too violent for some children. The villain is quite convincing when zapping his victims.

This was just short of being a "yawner" for me. If you're an adult you'll probably want to find more interesting fare. Or you may very much enjoy it, depending on personal taste.
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