9-1-1: Fear-o-Phobia (2022)
Season 5, Episode 13
Quickly declining quality
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Eddie's storyline is the only reason to continue to tune in. Give him and Christopher more time instead of Taylor or Lucy. Ryan's scenes and acting are the only reason I am giving this episode a semi-decent rating.

The rest is a dumpster fire at this point. Buck's stories are soapy and boring. The acting in the scenes with Buck and Taylor is abysmal and there is far too much time spent on them.

And who honestly cares about Lucy Donato and seeing her and Buck "bond" or "poke" or "flirt"? Boring, gross, unnecessary. There are much better things to spend valuable screen time on. Like Eddie and Buck's conversation at the end that was abruptly cut off after the already short scene was shoved in at the end.
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