Engaging children's adventure romp
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1950's Australia. Young Lucas (likeable Xavier West) and his friends go on a search to find a piece of comet that Lucas's deceased astronomer dad discovered, but no-count assistant Cliff (a solid performance by Marty Rhone) wants to take credit for instead.

Director/co-writer Glenn Triggs relates the enjoyable story at a steady pace, makes good use of beautiful Aussie outback locations, and maintains a sweet amiable tone throughout. Moreover, the kids are an affable bunch: Juliette Salom as radiant redhead Claudia, Paris Hay as the spunky Inertia, Liam Pope as rough'n'tumble behemoth Gunsworthy Bazooka Jackson, and Harrison Bradley as nerdy magician Tricks. Special kudos are also in order for Hamish as adorable doggy Archie. A nice little film.
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