With friends like these...
12 April 2022
I had really mixed feelings about the 2014 Houses October Built. I thought it succeeded exceedingly well for the most part, as a found footage film, but I was let down by how contrived and staged the final act was.

Part 2 is pretty much more of the same structure, yet comes off a bit different. Certainly has a stronger final act, more clever, more conclusive. First thing I noticed on the menu screen was that the entire cast was still alive. I'm like, what the? The semi-cliffhanger of the first one does get an explanation of what transpired.

I think they totally ditched the concept of being a found footage movie, though there is a lot of hand-held stuff here, too. I also had the distinct feeling everyone was adhering to a script, rather than the natural banter between buddies I got off part 1. Seemed like they had more of a budget, thanks in part by the plethora of aerial shots (as well as obvious sponsors).

The plot is essentially the same, where they go check out extreme haunts (these all seemed to be more extreme than the ones in part 1). Only now, they are celebrities and get paid for reviews. I enjoyed seeing them getting treated like celebrities at some of these haunts. Brandy ("Coffin Girl") wants nothing to do with it anymore, after being traumatized by The Blue Skeleton. I think she is persuaded by the money.

Much of this film is just them going through the haunted houses, but there were a few diversions to offer a little variety. My favorite, and one I would actually do, is the Zombie Run. You have to run through this huge post-apocalyptic setting, avoiding zombies all the way, and finish with 2 flags intact. That seemed more fun to me than weirdos invading my personal space.

The final act, just like the previous 2 movies is a fake haunt. Only, they thought this one through. How did they end up in NC? Who/what is Hellbent? What's with the skeleton following them around? This ending offers some twists, turns, and surprises. Actually, a pretty gratifying conclusion.
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