Not worth the $1.25+tax I paid for it.
11 April 2022
I gave it a chance because I saw "SHUDDER Orignal" on the case. I thought " how bad can it be?" That's because at the time, I couldn't imagine how bad it could be. Don't make the same mistake! Poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed, poorly edited. There are some truly gruesome special effects from time to time, but it's inter-spliced with terrible CG. CG worse than the writing, acting, etc. Combined. The cliche-ridden plot is over-convenient at first, twisting into a stale haunted house/possession/jump-scare piece of garbage by the end. It's 150 minute runtime will be sure to have you checking to see how much longer it is at multiple points of the film. If you see this at your local Dollar Tree (which I did) leave it in the bin (which I didn't). Skip this one if you value your time and $1.25.
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