A story that needs to be told
9 April 2022
This is a story that needs telling and the premise - that a journalist stumbles on the story and tries to expose it (that's the fictional bit) - is a great storyline. Sadly, the film is let down by some wooden acting. Talulah Riley is - frankly - terrible. Alex Pettyfer, as the moody journalist with a history is better but some of his acting leaves a bit to be desired.

Historically, it's well done. I could quibble over all the military personnel wandering around with their coats flapping in the breeze (I'd have got a right bollocking), and Military Policemen guarding the Foreign Office archives(!) - who let some random 'officer' in without so much as a raised eyebrow - but I'll forgive those. What I do want to know is who thought it was a good idea (and realistic?) to have a reporter working in a local newspaper in 1947 who doesn't seem to shave (or wear a tie), let alone a Polish army colonel with a face that hasn't seen a razor in days!

I've given it seven stars because, fundamentally, I like the film and I like the story. If you're looking for award-winning acting, however, look somewhere else.
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