9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Idiotic plot-twists ruin the movie at the finish line.

Not that the movie was firing on all cylinders until that point. It definitely wasn't.

The tech nerd Kevin feels the bridge sway, for no reason at all, yet what does this clod do? He takes a puff from his cigarette. Grab something to hold on to, perhaps?... Of course not: when a lousy Indiana Jones bridge seems unstable it is best to light a cigarette, because holding on to the bridge definitely won't help. Just as putting on warm clothes won't help when you're feeling cold. That sort of thing. Then the bridge starts shaking so violently that he falls into the water. Does he report this incident the way it occurred? No. I get it that he is a skeptical cynic who only took the gig to make money, but none of this makes any sense, none of his behavior, because that bridge moved for no apparent reason, yet he wasn't even remotely spooked or even motivated to hold on to something.

Kevin is such a dummie, he doesn't even inform them about "the kids" pranking him a day later. When he is flirting with Angela you can't shut his trap, but when it comes to the really important things he is as silent as Charles Bronson. He behaves like a mopey teen half the time which makes zero sense given the situation, and his jovial behavior when he was first introduced in the movie. To make things triply stupid, he experiences a "career crisis", ranting at the others for "chasing nothing for the umpteenth time". For once in the show's three years he experiences something truly spooky during one of the assignments, and that's the time he chooses to get angry at a lack of excitement?! The writer clearly doesn't know what he's doing.

Emma doesn't report her bathroom incident with the insects either. None of them talk to each other! Except to discuss trivialities. Well, Angela does report everything unusual, but only she does.

The team's pathetic communication extends to the walky-talkies too. Angela calls Jack: no response. She calls Kevin: no response. She calls Emma: no response. And this is BEFORE ghosts go on the offensive. For a team that's been working together for three years (minus Emma who is new: hint hint!) they definitely act very unprofessionally. I mean, it's cheesy enough that the team is told by the sheriff that "there is no cell-phone signal out here" (because clearly "outback" Oklahoma is like the Arctic) but must horror movie characters also be so thick as to not make use of the communication devices that DO work? Apparently they must be. Nobody informs anybody over the radio when they experience something strange. Lack of communication - whenever it's easy, obvious and necessary - is a typical plot-device used by shoddy writers.

The thing is, even if these guys are all "non-believers" in the supernatural (which is anyway not the case), and even if they were convinced that the place s devoid of ghosts, it still makes sense to stay in close contact - and certainly not to constantly split four-ways - while all alone in a remote area in the country. (Or the Arctic.) Especially at night. The team's lax attitude is baffling. (Or not that baffling: the writer needed the characters to be reckless in order to create more jump-scares, i.e. He sacrificed logic and sound characterization for a few cheap thrills, because he couldn't figure out a proper way to set up the scares.)

Now about this ghost curse... Why do murdered people always become angry, evil ghosts? Shouldn't they be in Heaven (or Hell)? Isn't there a god to break the spell and send him to either location? These ghosts in particular make zero sense. They whisper to Kevin "free us free us", and yet what do they do next? They kill him. So ghosts are liars now too?

The major plot-twist is just plain dumb. Even worse, part of it was predictable from the very beginning. Jack was one of the 30 kids from 1990... Boooo. "He forgot" says his mother. How could he possibly forget the ENTIRE incident?! He wasn't 3 years old, he was about 12, at the very least. Did he get out of a coma in order to forget everything? No. Emma remembers everything vividly, yet Jack doesn't even recognize the place itself or even its name? Booo! And of course Emma is part of the conspiracy: after all, she is the new member and she recommended Camp Brook. How dumb do they think we are? Emma was my no 1 suspect all along, because they phoned it in. Her motive for appeasing the "ghost-witch" stands on very shaky ground though; the writer needed her to be evil, but he failed in giving her a proper reason for it. So because she survived the 1990 incident she became a homicidal maniac? That easy, huh... Boooo!

The writer takes huge liberties with logic just to eke out his shoddy surprises, by force. He had to force them because he lacks the know-how to achieve big plot-twists without resorting to crushing logic in his path like a B-movie Godzilla.
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