Creepiness and fun in the mountains
8 April 2022
Saw "Rocky Mountain Yiiiii!" on first watch later than the rest of the 'Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo' episodes (of Season 1 we are talking about) for some reason. On first watch, admittedly it didn't actually excite me all that much (then again my taste in animation was not always great back then). Actually can't think of many reasons as to why, other than to say compared to some of the other episodes of the season it didn't strike me as memorable.

My opinion on "Rocky Mountain Yiiiii!" has definitely changed since then, for the better. Of all the sixtreen episodes for Season 1 of 'Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo' since first viewing, along with "When You Wish Upon a Star Creature" "Rocky Mountain Yiiiii!" showed the most improvement and where my initial assessment completely changed. To me, it's now one of the best episodes of the show and one of the best winter-themed episodes of the franchise (up there with 'The New Scooby Doo Mysteries' "The Nutcracker Scoob").

Do feel that the cabin scene goes on for a little too long, the one with Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy which was pretty much set up for another ghostly encounter, and doesn't add a lot.

A couple of encounters with the Ghost of Jeremiah Pratt was a bit coincidental, such as in the steam room which was a scene that didn't need to be there.

However, so much is great in "Rocky Mountain Yiiiii!" Absolutely loved the mountain setting, one of the season's (and show's) most picturesque and most atmospheric. The Ghost of Jeremiah Pratt, the thing that easily stood out the most on first viewing, is truly freaky and one of the show's creepiest. "Rocky Mountain Yiiiii!" also contains one of the show's best opening scenes, very few of the opening scenes for the other episodes were this creepy (matched only by "When You Wish Upon a Star Creature"). As well one of the best and most suspenseful climaxes and one of the few surviving reveals of the show.

The plot is clever, strongly paced and has some surprises. Was actually in suspense as to what the eagles clue meant. The only one that wasn't a complete shock was the incriminating one, which wasn't even that obvious. The animation is particularly good with the mountain scenery, which is both beautiful and foreboding. The music is placed well and doesn't sound cheap. The voice acting is fine from all the regulars, and William Callaway is terrifying as the ghost. There are plenty of funny moments to even out the creepiness, the first encounter with the ghost in the lodge is classic Shaggy and Scooby humour.

Overall, very good. 8/10.
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