Silent Witness (1996– )
Thoroughly enjoyable and bingeable
7 April 2022
Extremely well done and gets better every year.

I am currently on season 14 and very glad to have found this mystery/csi forensic thriller. Much prefer the British style of building the plot as opposed to the American counterparts that rely heavily on car chases sex and shoot outs.

While the show does glamorize the life of pathologists and CSI, it also weaves a good thriller/mystery into each episode and does a decent job at keeping tru to medical believability.

Throughout the years, the main characters have changed. The original Professor Ryan ( first few years) are fantastic in their own right and Kept steady intrigue at the reality and believability of the main characters life throughout the show.

In future seasons, Prof Ryan leaves and a team of pathologists now does the same job. While they are fully developed characters, there is a sense that no longer could one team of people possibly be having this interesting of a career and, while you enjoy their characters and they hold fast to their personalities, the realism that this could all actually occur in one area in a short time frame sensation is gone. While that doesn't diminish the writing and acting and drama and watchability of the show, it just takes on a different sort of feel.

If you are a fan of the grittiness and sarcastic humor style of the early seasons of the America show Law and Order, you will probably highly enjoy this show as well.

The dialogue is well written and the characters so well developed that you feel you understand their motivations and can sometimes anticipate their next action, even if you thoroughly disagree with what they are about to do! There is a lot revealed about the beauty of humanity and the simplicity of friendship interwoven in with dark themes of human brutality, corruptness and violence.

As the seasons go, the DIs investigating the cases become more prominent and are given quite colorful and enjoyable characters, really adding a nice dimension to each episode.

The cases go from interesting to humorous, gut-wrenching to morally twisting and you find yourself eagerly anticipating the next episode.

I hope I find the next 8 seasons as enjoyable!
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