Search: WWW (2019)
People Missing the Point on This One
7 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The reviews on this are interesting. So many really high ratings which speaks to the quality of this movie, but also so many complaints that show that it went over the heads of many.

The acting and casting of this film are fantastic but it was the subtlety of the magnificent cinematography that was the true star. Without being too artsy or try hard this movie had some truly incredible scenes. The director gets full points for not always needing to rely on an overloaded script to convey a rather complex message. This is likely one of the reasons that some viewers found the pace to be slow in parts. It's to convey that what is happening emotionally is not on the surface.

The concept of three equally engaging, completely separate but also entwined lead stories was a brilliant style. Not sure why so many people prefer formula writing. What's the point of a storyline that follows the rules?

The character development is wonderfully complex and diverse and in fact it RELIES on the formulas of the drama genre to tell pieces of the story that don't need explaining. Explaining the obvious would insult the intelligence of the viewer.

The strength of the female leads is noted in other reviews but again so much is missed. Rather than using obvious tropes of "strong women do this" the strength is actually told by the male leads, which is perfection. The women develop a supportive relationship but don't need to necessarily like each other. Their mutual level of respect is enough and THAT is something that we definitely need to see more of in film.

The story's most "non-formulaic" aspect might be the distinct age gap, which the entire point of tension for that couple revolves around. Arguably the lead couple, they share a lot of screen time that is focused on the tug of war this dynamic creates. I think the reason many viewers find this frustrating is simply being used to relationship drama being dramatic. External rather than internal. This story shows lack of movement because it IS frustrating to be in that situation. You are stuck between a rock and a hard place. However while a typical drama creates tension that's derived from dealing with unfair circumstances and often society based expectations to wrestle with, this situation legitimately creates logistical challenges.

I'm not sure why the emphasis was placed on marriage rather than family but this is a very real situation that many experience who didn't get married and start a family in their twenties. If you never found "your One" and didn't have kids by 35 then you face real challenges in new relationships. Even if you have always wanted children but never found the S. O. to pair up with, you rearrange your priorities. Period. You have to. So if you are suddenly faced with a S. O. that is still very much in the running for the white picket fence, and WANTS that, what do you do? You must weigh the need to be with them with the need to give those you truly love the opportunity to find their own happiness. When you are that much older you KNOW you know things they don't know yet so the burden is on you to carry the weight of that choice.

Anyway, this entire show was superb. One of my top three for sure.
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