REVIEW FOR S10E01 "Secrets of the Cosmic Web"
6 April 2022
As not just a documentary, but in fact a streaming lecture-of-science, this Episode (S10E01) of How the Universe Works is focusing on the "cosmic web", which a very recent and revolutionary concept in astrophysics and theoretical physics.

New astronomical research is beginning to reveal an invisible scaffold of dark matter--shaping the normal matter, known as the Cosmic Web, an intergalactic network that transformed the universe from a chaotic Big Bang into the structured beauty of the present-day cosmos. This theory, which is not just offering an explanation to the problems of galaxy formation but also to the formation of the universe is literally 'the theory of everything'. The episode is explaining how after the Big Bang the primordial particles are being formed by the interaction with the dark matter, how then the normal matter is nudged by the gravitational push of the dark matter and how this process has leaded to creation of galaxies in the matter-gathering interaction nodules of this web. The episode is also explaining how the normal matter is being transferred through and gathered in the interaction points and why, despite this tremendous matter gathering, black holes are not becoming humongous galaxy-size, which may result with destruction of the galaxies altogether.

In sum, the idea of galaxies that are away from each other tens billions of lightyears are actually being connected through a cosmic scaffold, which is the biggest construction project of the universe. This is an idea as in depicted in James Cameron's Avatar, but not as a sci-fi fantasy but as a scientific theory, which says that all things are actually and physically are being connected to each other. Mind blowing.

This episode is a must watch, in fact several times.
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