Review of Bing

Bing (2014–2021)
Teaches new parents as much as it does kids
5 April 2022
When I first saw Bing my boy was about one years old. My partner, who has done a great job of raising two kids already put it on. I instantly thought "What a horrible little bunny!" Always complaining, messing things up, and being completely selfish!

My boy is now 2 1/2 and I can safely say that whoever came up with the scripts for Bing had adults in mind as well as kids. The lessons and insights it gave me into young child behaviour have been eye opening. Bing isn't selfish or naughty, he's just not an adult. Adults need to nurture, protect, educate and direct, not take offence...

Flop (Bing's ever patient carer soft toy) is how adults should definitely act around toddlers who don't mean to be annoying, but through no fault of their own can seem so.

You can see from the ratings chart with the large "1" and large "10" column how Bing divides opinion. I started on the "1" and now I'm on the "10"

Check out the actors in this too....especially flop!

Thanks Bing you've helped me be a better parent.
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