Homebound (II) (2021)
Home bored it's time?
5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What we have is three crazy kids and possibly the dad to, it goes like dad remarried, brings new wife to house he lived in with previous wife, and the ex is not there ermm, kids see a bit off to the new wife, film meanders then it sort of ends with dead ex in basement and the dad wacked over the head dead with a shovel by his young daughter, new wife escorted to basement, we do not get to see dead wife, i was hoping for nor man bates mother in rocking chair, no we get a window with flys buzzing, ex wif run s up stairs in terror..next we hear one of the daughters say..it's time, END OF FILM, did the kids kill there real mum or was dad wacky erm, did they kill there dads new wife erm.. maybe they were spoiled pretentious brats who wacked the parents and wifey no2.
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