Quantum Break (2016 Video Game)
Amazing story, mediocre gameplay
5 April 2022
5 or 6 for gameplay. 8 or 9 for the atmosphere, the story, the acting.


I actually feel like this is a *must play* game, because it's the story is amazing and the gameplay is so cleverly integrated into that. Having actual TV-style episodes in between 'acts' also helps really suck you into the story and blur the TV and gaming worlds together. Unique, special, and highly recommended for that reason.


That said, there are a number of factors that make the actual gameplay pretty mediocre. The main ones being because they prevent you from doing what the rest of the game seems to be all about.

1) There are a variety of story-building collectibles spread throughout the levels. The variety really helps make the game - not just 'books' like most games do, but a mix of written materials, 3D time renders of past events, video clips on TV or computer screens, drawings and charts, graffiti, and radio/audio clips. Impressive work that makes you really want to find it all.

So, it's a shame then that you often get locked into a strolling mode that makes it a slow and frustrating experience. When most of the game varies between brisk walk and jog, why slow it down unnecessarily in certain areas!

And many of the secrets rely on use of a special time vision. So, you end constantly walking around rooms clicking the vision button again and again, with no effect 95% of the time, just so you don't miss the 5% of the time it's important for not missing something.

2) There's an interactive story element that it makes a big deal out of. But you soon discover it means little - you can affect a character's decision, but the events going on around that character end up having the same ultimate result anyway. The equivalent (made up, to avoid a spoiler) of having a character shoot someone, but another person knocks the gun out of their hands anyway.

3) The part that makes both combat and character 'levelling' really interesting, is the unlocking and upgrading of time abilities. It is *so* cool using a small but cleverly different set of time based abilities to help you mid combat.

But then, half the game involves enemies or areas that negate those abilities in different ways. If it was a reply occasional thing, it would add to variety (eg. Of 'bosses'). But it's so frequent it starts to feel like, "Why even give us the abilities if you're just going to take them away?!"

4) Other than that, combat and character development are just pretty plain.

You don't get to stock up on equipment or choose your favourites - you just pick up whatever enemy weapons happen to be lying around. You can't specialise in any particular way.

There's no levelling up in speed, toughness, accuracy, damage, etc. There's no melee combat. No stealth options. No upgrading guns or equipment.

And the controls are unforgiving with little in the way of aim-support, despite the nature of the game being chaotic and visuals regularly blurred with different time effects.


In the end, it's miles away from the combat and character/gear development of games like The Division; but also miles away from the great adventure and exploration of games like The Medium or the Myst series.

If only it had picked one approach or the other, or even simply been a TV series...
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