the title tells the story...
1 April 2022
In itself, its a women on the labour market socialrealismic flick, and its directly a story about the life of work of a female flight attendant of the 2020's. It gives you a raw incision into a craft that may give a lot of pleasures and fun, at the same time your just as the wailing wall of jerusalem, a job where the customer is right in 99.999% of the time, where mind and temper control is always at high gear, and the company managment appears to considering you as a cattle in a farmers sales fare, with managers at different levels just there to squeeze out the last drop of honesty and efforts, to try to survive in the second most popular profession in the world amongst girls, where the wages and work hours are so depressed due to a surge of ''3rd world'' low wages employees, making all kinds of organizing in trade unions hardly impossible, and where the threat of being sacked in promptu hangs like a hammer over your head...at the same time as being satisfied with ones job aint enough, and where the lack of wishing promotion is considered a maligne disease by todays managers( its very much the same in the medical nursing profession that ive belonged to for 3 generations, where the rush for specialised continued education is a must rather than a wish, often paid by yourself, that leads to financial ruin for the latter part of your working life. I got shell shocked when working on my bachelor exam, and promised myself to never ever putting myself in such a situation once again!!!)

its definately not a comedy, and not erotic in the sense you might want, even though the main actress is a beauty in one of a kind, it will oppose and include you into the desperation and limbo that this young woman undergoes. Its a powerful critizism towards the feverish globalisation weve undergone in the past 30 years and the makers of this movie did a good job ,making you speculate afterwards how this story will move on.

So if your in for a realistic take of a maneating trade, then do watch rien a foutre, a grumpy old mans recommend.
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