Review of Mob Town

Mob Town (2019)
Not As Bad As Most Reviews Say
1 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is definately not as bad as most reviews say. When I saw the rating and then started watching the movie I was really surprised at how well done it is. There isn't really anything you can say critically about the writing, directing, cinematography, acting, etc. It's actually a very enjoyable film to watch. The scoring and sound track are really great. There's a lot of really enjoyable scenes to watch with your typical mafia film type of stuff. You get to see some scenes with meadow soprano, I mean, that actress who played her lol. They even did certain things better than many other higher rated mafia films. Like the accuracy of how the hit on albert anastasia went down.

I think the big problem that it has is that some or many of us may have thought that the film was going to be more focused on the mafia, and starring mobsters. In fact almost none of the mobsters who are named in the cast as having people play them really have any role in the film, they are really just extras with maybe one line, but you won't know which bosses are which because there isn't enough dialogue among bosses to identify them. The mafia members are actually not focused on very much, and the main character in the film is actually a police officer investigating the event. So it is a bit disappointing that the mafia doesn't show up more in this film that is supposed to be about the mafia. Also, the event itself isn't in the film for as long as I think we would have all liked, and the film then seems to end very quickly afterwards. So it is a bit anticlimactic. And for these reasons I think some of us were disappointed. It is still well done and enjoyable other than that though.
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