No effort on detail
30 March 2022
Terrific scenery. It stops there. If any musicians were actually playing (daughter excluded, she couldn't even pretend convincingly), it did not match the soundtrack. So, Jack's score was jotted in a notebook and scored for piano? And he took his phone out during a performance? The first three minutes set us up for a comedy of sloppy film-making. And why did his daughter suddenly walk out into the path of the only car on the road, coming towards her with lights on? And then there was the posse of villains, who get out of the car, and walk on into the night, leaving the car with its lights on. Dumb is as dumb gets.

Really, the lack of research, attention to detail and common sense destroyed what credibility the movie may have had. Shame, because the basic premise was sound, despite the execution.
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