Review of Dean Spanley

Dean Spanley (2008)
Was not aware of this film until now
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As both an animal lover and knowledgeable film film person I was more than surprised to just find and watch this fine film.

Much like Lost Christmas another UK film on basically the same idea tho that one uses alternate realities this presentation shows how basically the general public is to sensitivity of feeling and the mysteries of life.

All cast members are spot on and tho the screenplay takes a while to get going , once it does it packs a wallop.

What can be more immersive than a love of animals and the mysteries of life intertwined ? Whiskers ( TV movie hard to find ) is the best film about a cat's life tho told in a completely different way.

Any one who is not impressed by the many fine qualities this production has to offer is a zero. Did not like the exclusion of animals other than dogs in the idea of reincarnation but other than that it is a thoughtful , intelligent view of life on earth and beyond earth.

That said there are big problems : why should only dogs be reincarnated , seems like a foolish view created by man to puff up his own view of himself. Why would the knowledge that Wag died one day after running off rather than live a hppy long life on the road " open up " theold man's heart rather than make him even more unhappy. Why is the death of a rabbit seen as sport rather than a horror ? The fate of Wag's friend is not made clear , the farmer was using a one shot rifle, surely that dog's fate should be important. Fisk Sr. Rather than open up Fisk Sr. 's heart to the death of his son and adoption of another dog the knowledge of how , in this film , the world works should have made him angrier. Instead we get a feel good conclusion . I did not feel good.
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