Review of Dead Sound

Dead Sound (2018)
Intriguing story, not a bad watch
29 March 2022
Right away you notice the film is low budget. Such a film shouldn't be reviewed as if it's a Hollywood blockbuster. When you rent a Chevy you don't then leave a bad review because it wasn't a BMW. It's also based on a true story. How much is unsure, but rating a true story low because you didn't like the script is just an uneducated gesture. This is a horrific ordeal that someone decided to make into a film. I admit, it reminded me a bit of watching a song-writer singing his own lyrics before a true vocalist gets behind the mic. If anyone doesn't understand this analogy, most song-writers are horrible singers but they have to sometimes send a demo of how the song is supposed to sound. Then the professional gets a hold of it and it turns to gold. So yes, If it was made in 1984 starring Jodi Foster it would have been much better, granted. But for what it is, this isn't a bad watch. I also don't remember if the movie actually mentions that Block Island is in an area called Block Island Sound. So the second title, Dead Sound, was probably an attempt to play off of the location. If you can get beyond the low-level acting and directing to actually see and feel the story, you will enjoy this film. Unfortunately, it probably attracts younger people who don't have that ability.
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