I'm siding with the devil
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second movie in a row, in as many nights, that just ENDS (the other was The Sonata) without fleshing out any thoughts on pertinent plot points. SPOILER: Lisa has the Devil's baby, seems happy about it (she was raped), and is followed around by the media because she's become this famous reality star. NONE of this is explored.

This is your standard deal-with-the-devil revenge story, updated enough to include cyberbullying, a sexually confused protagonist, a "she-male" (the bullies' words), and a tall, beautiful lesbian devil (played by Linda Bella, bad accent and all, who I was shocked to learn she was 23-24 when they filmed?! She comes across as much more mature).

A young girl is mercilessly tormented at school, and is the victim of some extreme cyberbullying. She befriends a woman online named Destiny, who invites her over to her place in the middle of the night, and instantaneously summons a ride.

The young woman playing Lisa, the tormented, I felt was the strongest actor in the film (Madi Vodane, in her first and only role). She displayed a wide array of emotions, and you genuinely felt bad for her and her high school ordeal. Oh yeah, Michael Madsen shows up too, as her stepfather.

Overall, I found this to be a fairly dark and gory movie, which could have just as easily gotten on the campy side. Absolutely no shortage of sex scenes, along with exactly ZERO nudity.

I generally dislike these PC, 2010's-ized, modern re-takes of tried and true stories, but Devil's Domain was entertaining enough, and I'm sure a good portion of that was carried on the shoulders of a strong and sympathetic lead performance. Where did you go, Madi?
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