Business As Usual
28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the real case of Audrey White - who was a consultant on the movie - at a chain of Lady at Lord John boutiques, this Lezli-An Barrett directed and written film finds Babs Flynn (Glenda Jackson) managing a Liverpool shop and accusing the regional manager of sexual harassment after the way he treats an employee (Cathy Tyson). Babs gets fired, she goes to court and that's our movie.

This did play Cannes, but I wonder what Cannon saw in it for American audiences. Maybe it was one of those movies a company threw in on another deal? As it is, it's a fine movie, but not one you have to go out of your way to track down. Unless you're a Red Dwarf fan, as Craig Charles is in the cast. Or Inspector Morse, because Jason Thaw plays Babs' husband, who once tried to do the right thing just like his wife and ended up paying for it.
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