Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Collaborator (1994)
Season 2, Episode 24
Not only is it illegal, it's sacrilegious
27 March 2022
Kira investigates a Bajoran collaboration from the time of the Cardassian occupation.

This is a fairly good episode with a strong central performance and good contributions from guest characters.

DS9 is always good when Kira takes centre stage and her character is perfect to explore the politics of Bajor. The plot contains great political intrigue, although it is done mostly through exposition dialogue.

One of the best scenes is an exchange between Kira and Odo where she confesses her feelings about something to him. Rene Auberjonois' reaction here is a classic piece of visual drama.

The episode benefits from the presence of Louise Fletcher, perfectly cast in a role that generates a lot of compelling scenes of antagonism. She really does cold-hearted, smiling, self-serving ambition convincingly. Her exchanges with Nana Visitor and Avery Brooks are all enjoyable.

Visually it has plenty of positives. The dreamy orb sequences are particularly good, along with the art design, makeup and costume of the Bajor scenes.
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