Come and let's get misogynic ...
27 March 2022
Writer/director Chris Sun is a cool and amiable guy whom I met a couple of times when he came to personally introduce his films "Charlie's Farm" and "Boar" at the Brussels' International Fantastic Film Festival. Sun is a self-made man, with a vast knowledge of horror movie history and an even bigger love for the classics of the 70s and 80s. Are his films must-see genre classics? Nope, but they are a lot of fun and deliver plentiful in the gore, filth, and sleaze-departments.

His debut film "Come and Get Me", on the other hand, I'm not ravingly enthusiast about. I respect and admire how it's a zero-budgeted slasher with still a lot of focus on professional looking gory make-up effects, but it's such an incredibly unpleasant and nauseating trip! This thing is even more sickening than the misogynic slashers of the late 70s/early 80s ("Maniac", "Don't Go in the House", "Bloodrage", ...) and basically just exists of 90 minutes of deranged lunatics chasing after screaming girls in the woods; then killing them barbarically. Difficult to watch not only because of the vile content, but also because the shaky handheld camera makes you seasick. I also understood approximately one out of ten sentences that were spoken, due to the Aussie dialects (and no subtitles) and the poor sound quality.
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