In the beginning there was ...
25 March 2022
I watched the tv show - something that came after the movie was made. I have not checked, but I imagine the movie was quite succesful if a tv show was made out of it. What I didn't know: the character of the kobold (?) Pumukl was made/born at a radio show. At least that is what I found out, when my nephew asked me to watch the movie with him.

So there was some backstory, something that the movie could built upon. The special effects where quite good for the time it was made. But while they have aged nicely - the movie overal has not. There are some odd editing choices - one in particular feels extremely weird ... it's the moment our two main characters get to know each other ... it feels as if the movie pauses ... or has an error ... but it seems to be a choice. A choice I cannot understand or find right, but a choice nonetheless.

Having said that, I can imagine that many still have a romanticized version in their head ... of the movie itself. Because there are many other things that do not work ... pacing, story and many other things. But the chemistry between Meister Eder and the drawn Pumuckl. He is quite the rascal and there are more than a few things that are not politically correct ... but you should not mind that ... or rather if that bothers you, you won't have any fun at all.

Either try to remember your childhood memories or try to awaken the inner child in yourself ... and don't be too harsh on the flaws. We have come a long way with kids entertainment ... this was not the pinnacle but it paved the way for others ...
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