The Flash: The Fire Next Time (2022)
Season 8, Episode 8
Great episode with good depth
24 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the previous review, I said I had good vibes about this episode and I wasn't wrong.

Episode Summary in a nutshell: Basically Barry tries to clear Jac Birch, The Hotness, from a wrongly accused murder. The evidences all lead to Birch being the culprit. However Barry doesn't believe that due to the fact of the type of fire wounds on the victims and the fact that Birch was claiming/begging his innocence and the fact that he was looking after his son also contributes to the fact that Barry was having second thoughts, as this was the same exact thing that happened to him when his mother was murdered.

This leads to Barry believing in Birch when no one else did and eventually clears his name by forcing Chester to analyse the wounds of the victims showing this wasn't Birch who did this. Hence clears his name.

What this episode does so well is that it shines with its simplicity. No fancy things like time travel and all, just a normal criminal case. There's not much action in it either but it is made up Barry's emotional connection to the case. There are a couple of moments Barry uses his tornado hands which was cool.

Also The Hotness is redeemed after a horrid episode back in season 4. The episode really makes you feel sorry for him. His son looks at Birch as if he was some sort of a loser. Birch is also desperately trying to be a better dad for his son and loves him even though his son doesn't see it. But his son's perspective changes very quickly after he is proven innocent and also helps flash by saving the city(in a way). So I'm satisfied with The Hotness's role in this episode.

There is a subplot regarding allegra which is okay where instead of running the story of some media influencer she runs a story of a fellow inmate who was in prison with her on how she is struggling to cope up with life.

She is criticized by iris for not helping her colleague with that media influencer story, however iris does acknowledge allegra's story of her prison friend.

Allegra apologizes and tries to make amends with the colleague, but the colleague acts really cold with her and makes a big deal of it. I don't know why.

Honestly with Allegra, I think any story which doesn't have an awkward moment with Chuck is a win for the audience.

Now most importantly, this episode is a tribute to Henry Allen. This episode takes place on his birthday and hence this makes Barry feel as it is his duty to make sure Birch is proved innocent.

This case with Birch is almost like it's the way for Barry's redemption for not have freed his father from prison earlier. But who can blame him? He was up against thawne, and we all know you can't win an intelligence battle against him.

Nevertheless, after he does prove Birch's innocence, you can see a relief on his face and a flashback to Henry's release from prison. This meant a lot to Barry. Also Joe gives some of his "Joe Advice" to Barry when Barry starts to lose hope of being able to prove the innocence which was very touching.

In the end of the episode there is a small party where Barry and his family, all have drinks in Henry's name and talk about him. Barry tells how ,despite how busy his father was before he went to prison, it were the little things that mattered to Barry like a bedtime story told by his father to him which stuck in his heart.

All in all a great episode, there was a small inconsistency which I found, but I don't think that too important. Overall: 9/10

I saw the promo of the next episode "Phantoms". Team flash try to investigate the fire meta who framed Birch. Also I believe we will see Phantom girl in next week's episode. I don't know how that will tie in to the graphic novel. Also this new fire meta, I wonder who that could be, everyones, including me, thinking it's Ronnie.

I hope episodes become better and more consistent throughout. Story seems to be heading in an intriguing direction, I hope it remains so. Crossing my fingers that the writers won't ruin this graphic novel, although there is a high possibility they will.

Edit :How is episodes rating so bad? 7.7 really?!

I know everyone has their own opinion but this episode at least deserves an 8/10. Come on guys this episode isn't that bad, it just doesn't have anything mind blowing but quality is still good.
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