Let Me Fall (2018)
Intervention Failure
21 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was excellent in demonstrating the tragic events of the two addicts; and the inability of the parents and rehab facilities in Iceland to provide help.

"Interventions are an act of love.

1-87% of interventions result in admission into a treatment center.

2-No need for alcoholic/drug addicts to "hit bottom" before help.

3-No need to postpone help for alcoholic/addicts until they ask for help.

4-Most addicts who present for treatment have been "forced" to enter by circumstances.

5-In most cases those who enter treatment are still in denial.

6-Delusional thinking is "protected" by a rigid defense system, leading to denial.

7-enabling behaviors of others allows the progressive, chronic illness to continue.

8-An intervention is a process whereby all significant members of a person's family get together to present specific behavior in a loving acceptable way.

9-The experience for everyone involved can be a very powerful, life-changing and dramatic event.

10-Intervention includes: Selection of a team understanding that to do nothing is the worst thing they can do. Expressing deep-seated feelings is very healing for family members and/or codependents."
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