The Widow (2020)
pretty weak
20 March 2022
I was forced to watch it dubbed, as AmazonPrime only had dubbed version. The dubbing was anime-quality, absolutely atrocious.

The story itself took much longer to get to its central hook than I expected, and once it did get there, it proceeded to do very little. Pretty much almost nothing actually happened apart from the finding of the old woman naked in the woods, Zoya. It's from her repeated ramblings that we pretty much get all the real exposition.

Beyond that, nothing that actually happened seemed in any way connected to the "The Widow" concept at all. We barely even see much of anything beyond some musical stings, people acting strangely, and eyes going black.

The image on the poster is essentially a lie, as nothing appears in the film that looks like that. This whole thing has elements of The Blair Witch Project, but with somehow even less actual stuff going on.
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