Hustling (1975 TV Movie)
Oh well
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overacting skinny guise selling the life with a barrel of self pity and victimhood thrown in.

The smugly coiffed Remick comes to the rescue of sorts - sell me a story so I can boost my own career as an independent journo. And so the sisterhood feeds on its own.

Somehow the blame is circled back to white men, with the only man that is respected and protected being the black pimp.

The white guys and police who are given sympathetic caring lines are supposed to speak for the audience; offering a way out, asking why put up with this and being shouted down and mocked because ..just because.

We are not allowed to find a solution for these put upon hoes and we have to accept the degradation that these street workers self impose.

The final made over nasal Clayburgh is hysterical as we see the preparation for the 'An Un Married Woman' look . This actor certainly contributed tons to the entitled me me me sell, without female hips and stretch marks and pulling the male actor of the day into bed.

Klute did a better job of selling this fantasy of lost people. Hustling sells it as a career choice.

And as this is the 70's , tv watchers were forced to accept wrong, once again, with sympathy.

Little Ladies of the Night rammed this home with children, as if we didn't get the message enough already, using the teen idol from Starsky and Hutch, David Soul to claim a girly audience .

Don't see too much of this hard sell these days.

What we have now is the masculine harridan , toting AK47's , kicking boxing its way out of a conversation, mocking any man with protective instincts and whining about equality in a Sci fi flick.

Anyway, this is interesting to fast forward through as we pinpoint TV mind control in action and observe the drip drip attempt to destroy womens' self esteem and traditional values.
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