Review of We Are Many

We Are Many (2014)
Time to revisit the past now that Biden is calling others war criminals.
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overall it's a film worth watching since it fills in the gaps of my understanding of prelude to the Iraq invasion.

There're just 4 things I would like to point out.

1. This portrayed string of events CLEARLY shows the world HOW "democracy" -- the REPRESENTATIVE type currently in vogue -- has failed MISERABLY to rein in the so-called elitist group (of politicians) SO CREATED. As someone has succinctly put it, you people speaking of people's democratic power don't seem to realise that you have power only during the few election days if you happen to be a voter. The moment your vote is casted you immediately become POWERLESS in every sense of the word.

Tony Blair ultimately lost his political career because he abetted US in this crime of war, YET he wasn't directly VOTED OUT by the people! He was merely dumped by his Tory Party comrades who soon realised that HE HAD BECOME A LIABILITY rather than an asset in elections to come. Well, if this is still of any comfort to any people power believer.

And Bush Jr. Remained unscathed and was REWARDED with a second term.

2. Ask yourself the question why events had gone down so differently between UK and US of A. Does this mean the US government is more skillful in manipulation of the populace or the US people are just more gullible than British subjects?

It can be BOTH of course. If the Brits want to feel smug about this, they deserve it.

3. About the part on the impact of this global protest/demonstration on Egypt, the only thing I agree with the film-makers is that the success of their "1-day triumph" at Tahrir did EMBOLDEN the Egyptian people for taking activist actions not generally endorsed by their government. It has VERY LITTLE to do with inculcation of the spirit of "revolution for democracy". As I've said above that the invasion had gone on uninterrupted despite the apparent success of this global protest's (at least 150 US cities and overall 789 cities in 72 countries, participated according to this film) gave the world but one message -- democracy exists only IN NAME on politicians' and their converts' lips, and these elitists just do whatever they wish AND can get away with it!

Towards the end there were funny talks of taking the whole lot of criminals to The Hague's Court for their committed war crimes but it's no more than funny talks!

4. I've heard that Collin Powell before his death had lamented that his UN sojourn marked the lowest point in his life, and I say it's crying over spilt milk. He ought to have RESIGNED if he believes more in patriotism to the nation than loyalty to an administration. The two are not one and the same, right?
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