The city of Warsaw seen in its worst light
18 March 2022
We know today that Poland has good people who have stepped up in the worst of times.

Blinded by the Lights presents with the starkest of contrasts. Witness the cruel, merciless image of a morally decayed, decadent Warsaw. Although a fan of Eastern European crime dramas, and having seen only two episodes of BBTL, I'll say that the series gives us a deeply disturbing and ugly picture of the Polish capital. A dark, dark portrayal of the underbelly of a world-class city in permanent morass. Perhaps the Polish nation cannot escape the shadow of a heartless, corrupt past under Soviet domination. We are treated to a cast of largely misdirected, disturbed, angry characters. Unforgivably, the show perpetually gives us violence, it seems, for the sake of violence. Watching the full series might lead the viewer to grow accustomed to its ugly volume of brutality. Thus it joins a growing cadre of shows losing impact by promoting violence at the expense of the storyline.

As for the somber main character, we're not sure where he's going as he drifts from scene to scene, stoic, seemingly immune to the violence around him, disturbed by a misbegotten past, selling coke to friends, criminals, or dignitaries while dispassionately supporting sadistic thugs in his close association.
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