Hilarious and problematic at the same time
17 March 2022
Yes, this show is funny. Decent animation, good soundtrack, lots of 'fanservice'... it could be a decent show and I'd be inclined to recommend it, but its main selling point is problematic (to put it mildly).

I don't know what kind of fetish this show is supposed to cater and I'm the last one to kink-shame, but the way the female lead character behaves towards the protagonist, even at a stage where she's clear with herself that she likes him, is straight-out abusive. She consistently insults him, humiliates him both psychically and physically and puts him down in front of her friends. The occasional moments where she does stand up for him or when there is something sweet happening between them are rare and hardly make up for that obnoxious and toxic behaviour that you might expect from an elementary school girl, but not from the age group here. Protagonist-senpai, if you're reading this: haul your butt out of there as long as you can! Nagatoro is an outlier on the hot/crazy scale that is not worth your dignity and sanity!
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