Playing God (2021)
Really a 6,but gets an extra star
15 March 2022
I gave this movie an extra star for the casting of Alan Tudyk & Michael McKean, because the talent of these 2 stars really elevates the movie beyond what it would have been otherwise. The gravitas & emotion that they both bring to this film make it better than what the writing & directing would have been able to accomplish on their own. It kills me to say that because I'm a big fan of Tudyk, & McKean is a legend, but the writing is a little contrived, & emotionally they carried the movie over the finish line, whereas the writing couldn't have gotten the job done. I'm not saying this is a bad movie per se', but it's not a great movie either. It's worth a watch if you have nothing else better to see, maybe on family movie night or if you're looking for something a little lightly emotional, or especially if you're looking for that Sunday night religious feel. Otherwise, catch up on other better things that you've missed before putting this one on. The ending will probably leave you feeling unfulfilled, & overall it's one of those "well ok, I've seen it now" type of movies.
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