Scandal Sheet (1985 TV Movie)
Times change...but sleaze still sells.
13 March 2022
"Scandal Sheet" is a made for TV film that was probably a bit more timely back in 1985. After all, there were some high profile lawsuits against "The National Enquirer" back then and there was a lot of public uproar about the sort of tabloid journalism they used to boost sales. This is still pretty timely today.

The film is about a fictional scandal sheet which engages in the sleaziest sorts of 'journalism'. They'll do anything in order to sell papers...ANYTHING. Unfortunately, the editor of the paper is very suave and sweet....on the surface. I say unfortuntely because he (Burt Lancaster) is able to convince a decent writer (Pamela Reed) to work for him...and makes all sorts of promises he has no intention of keeping. Why? Because she not only is a writer but knows a famous Hollywood couple...and the newspaper is bent on destroying them and want her to help. She naively thinks they want her for her journalistic skills and integrity! How all this plays out is very sad to watch...but very well written.

This is one of the better made for TV films I have seen...mostly because it has some really good points to make and does it very well. Having an impressive cast also helped.

If you like this film, also try finding the old movies "Five Star Final" or its remake "Two Against the World"...films about newspapers in the 1930s which stop at nothing to create a story...even if it means destroying people in the process. I guess things never really change very least when it comes to tabloids.
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