Say what you want, Ryan Reynolds nailed it, yet again!
13 March 2022
"Teenage boys are horrible. It's like living with a urinal cake that yells at you"

Shawn Levy's "The Adam Project" turned out exactly as I had imagined. It's fun, full of energy and has a rather powerful ground of emotions that hit you like a truck. Believe it or not, this specific aspect would have a greater say over everything else. It will depend upon how much you value the 'Humane' stuff; based on that, it will either make or break your experience and could modify the final takeaway as well.

Speaking for myself, I'm a sensitive person; and these kinds of stuff make me emotional, and here is no exception. I just loved the dynamic shown here. The father & son alliance hasn't been explored enough in recent times, I'm delighted they did that in here and that too in the most adorable fashion possible. And yeah, the actors did their parts too.

Say what you want, Ryan Reynolds has nailed it yet again. I know some part of the audience won't agree with my above statement. "Ryan Reynolds getting repetitive", "He's playing himself", "He's doing the same thing over and over again"; now, I won't deem them as lies, as most of these statements do reflect the reality or at least some parts of it. But then again, as long as he's getting the job done, doing well on his part, I see nothing wrong in there.

Besides, nobody would argue against the talent this man seems to possess. From his stellar dialogue deliveries to his perfect comic timings, No other actor could do those things in the way he does, he's one of a kind, he's unparalleled in this space. And I truly admire him for that, and you know what? I'm not at all apologetic while acknowledging the same.

So, It seems we've finally concluded, this is the part where I'm supposed to tell you whether you should go to the film or not. Look, I loved Levy's previous work i.e. Free Guy; although that doesn't necessarily suggest I had higher expectations this time, on the contrary, I did know this would not be the same sort of experience, because of various reasons. All I can say is that, if you are here for nothing but the sole value of entertainment, congratulations, you have come to the right place. Or else, get yourself prepared for a tiny dose of disappointment!
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