The Batman (2022)
Dark and gritty yet beautiful and entertaining
12 March 2022
Matt Reeves' "The Batman" is definitely the darkest version of the character that we've seen on the big screen. I know a big complaint that many people seem to have with DC live-action films vs the MCU is how dark and kinda depressing, however, dark does not equal bad. It's all in the execution. Abd I'm happy to say that the execution here with "The Batman" is terrific.

Also, another thing I love about this film is something that I loved about Nolan's The Dark Knight, which is that those two films are far more grounded in reality than any other live-action versions of Batman. There are, of course, some exceptions, but The Batman feels like something that could be possible, as opposed to just feeling like it's comic book goofiness.

The Riddler in this film was transformed from a campy, strange nuisance to a downright scary, dark, mysterious, intelligent, and most of all, very dangerous criminal.

We don't get very much Bruce Wayne in this film, as here he's known to be a recluse rather than the playboy going out with multiple women at a time that we're used to seeing. I imagine he will become that version of Bruce Wayne later on in the sequels.

I also love the amount of detective work that Batman is required to do in this one. I feel like we never got to see much of that even though he's commonly referred to as "The world's greatest detective.

In closing, I know that a lot of people seem to just ask "is it better or worse than The Dark Knight?" and honestly, they are very difficult movies to compare, as TDK was an action-packed blockbuster where this is a mystery noir type film. Of course, everyone will have their own preference. But all I can say is this movie is fantastic and I think it's a great way to portray the characters.
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