Bridge and Tunnel (2021–2022)
Just turn off your brain and have fun
9 March 2022
Many years ago I watched a movie by Edward Burns called "Sidewalks of New York" - and I absolutely hated it. I thought it was total trash. Art imitating much better art by much better directors.

The other day, the above movie popped into my head, and I googled the director... As it turns out, Edward Burns has just made a TV show! Why would I watch it when I hated his movie so much all those years ago? Honestly, I have no idea.

Cut to now. I've just watched the first episode. Lo and behold; it was heaps of fun. Despite some scathing reviews and a very low score of Rotten Tomatoes, I thought it was an enjoyable, nostalgic 30 min romp through fork-in-the-road troubles of youth.

The beer flows, the cast are young and unrealistically sexy, F-bombs are dropped every 5 seconds, and there's plenty of angsty pathos woven into the story. It reminds me a little of the Tv show "Togetherness" - sort of a Woody Allen-ish cast of characters directed with a mumblecore sensibility.

It won't be everyone's cup of tea. But for me, I say turn off your brain and enjoy the ride. It's a lot of fun (so far at least).

** Update ** Four episodes in and I'm still enjoying it... but I do acknowledge the one-track story is starting to drag a little, and a few clunky scenes (particularly with the parents going on dates) bring this one down to a 7/10. Still a lot of fun though.

*After watching more, I may come back and update this review.
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