Important story ruined by a terrible soundtrack mix.
6 March 2022
This is truly an amazing and important story that needs to be told. Unfortunately the message of this movie is totally overpowered by a soundtrack that is way too loud.

Siki has this beautiful soulful voice but you could barely hear a word he said due to this overwhelming background music. It's not that the music is terrible, it has just been mixed so much louder than than any of the people being interviewed that the movie becomes a frustrating waste of time. If you're interested in the story you'll be constantly rewinding to try and work out what people are saying.

It doesn't matter how good this movie might be, it has been totally ruined by the fact that the background music is well in the foreground and the subject matter has been completely buried.

Whoever was responsible for the finished product should hang their head in shame.

I truly hope that the producers of this film have apologised to Sweet Daddy Siki for ruining the story of his life.
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