Moving conclusion but boring pace
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I managed to make it through this movie on a streaming service so I was able to press pause several times.

Frustrating often- I felt I would've rather listened to his story without the attempt to add the visual pictures -although every so often the exquisite contrast of time spent in nature was beautiful. During his visit to Melbourne he was commenting on how nothing seemed any different and it was so disconcerting to him and I kept wondering what about your sense of smell? I notice that when I go to different places especially when traveling by air. So that part didn't seem realistic to me although if it was his experience who am I to argue with it. Another frustration - at the end -the words superimposed on the view flew by on the screen so quickly and were a color very difficult to read against the sky - ironic since the whole subject matter was about blindness- couldn't they find a better type face? I Found it necessary to pause and rewind several times in order to understand what the information was that was being presented at the end.

Criticisms aside I was very moved toward the end (especially after the arduous journey of experiencing earlier parts of the film) when he spoke about his experience of feeling the divine presence and Grace surrounding him. That truly moved me and then his realizing that his blindness was a gift the question- was not why me ? But what do I do with it.

That was the golden moment and the emotional connection I made with this film. Perhaps those who have rated it so highly saw it on a large screen and were somehow able to enter into the world more- for me I never really felt a connection with what was going on until that one part I described just above.

The effect of having the screen dark black at frequent intervals throughout the story was disconcerting and I suppose intentional to jar the viewer into experiencing somehow what a blind person who has lost their sight would feel -however it didn't really contribute to the film -to me it was pulling me out of it rather than pulling me in.
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