Red Dawn (1984)
A dire warning of a potential future
5 March 2022
When this movie came out, critics slammed it for the "silliness of its alarmist concept." But now...people see that it is not. As of the date I write this, Russia is invading Ukraine, and many are calling the invasion "a real life Red Dawn."

This movie is a lot better, and a bit more haunting and inspiring, than the critics say. The cast, the effects, the script, the camera work, the sets, the props...everything about this film is professional, to the point, and well made. This movie makes us ask the bitter question, "What if this happened in my town? What would I do?" In all honesty, I'm afraid that most people's answers would be, "I'd give in. I'd surrender. I'd obey my new rulers."

Next time you see or hear something about Red Dawn's "alarmist concept," think of Ukraine. Think of all its civilians are going through. And then you'll realize that this movie is, in reality, a warning of how our futures - talking to everyone here - could go if we're not careful and prepared.
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