A Brain Cell Sacrifice
4 March 2022
To date I have never seen one of those artsy-McFartsy, ad-lib and let the camera roll-type flicks that I haven't hated. That's not to say one may not exist somewhere that doesn't suck but this one sure ain't it. Aside from that major negative, this piece of crapola manages to check a few more boxes that almost always send my thumb in the downward position: New York City, artiness, pretentiousness, and Madonna. How that woman managed to have a career is beyond me and, while it appears she had adequate chest meat back in the day, she was just an average-looking chick with marginal talent on a good day. I despised her from the very first time I saw her on MTV and my dislike has only intensified with time.

Clearly, this movie was just a student film and an obvious cash-in attempt by the film maker and to that I say, "Good job, dude!" Sure, this movie stinks to high heaven, but I enjoy the thought of how pissed Madonna had to have been that she couldn't stop distribution of this piece of trash. Make no mistake, there is NOTHING good about this film and even the glimpses of old NYC are the worst sort of fake, rich kid art school dreck. I hope the guy made at least a million at her expense.
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