The 7th Floor (2013)
Tense thriller but far from perfect
2 March 2022
The 7th Floor is a drama all centered around the worst day in a man's life. It's a tough watch because the stress level is always cranked up, and Ricardo Darin makes his fear downright palpable. From the first moment he loses track of his kids you fear the worst and it feels like everyone is against our protagonist. There's seemingly no one he can fully trust and most of the film is him jumping from one conclusion to the next trying to deduce who is behind this horrible thing. While it did get a bit repetitive and formulaic when he kept pointing the finger at someone else, I was still completely invested in the story. I also wanted to see if things would turn out OK, and if they would ever reveal the identity of the kidnappers (if they were really kidnapped at all.)

The ending of The 7th Floor is handled well, and they do enough to keep you in the dark. What bothered me about the conclusion was how they conveniently ignored or forgot about the long-term consequences of all the things our protagonist does throughout the film. He should be worried about being broke, without a job, and potentially at risk of being arrested. It's all swept under the rug and we're meant to just accept that those details are unimportant. The movie is still effective at thrusting you into the protagonist's shoes, as it made me feel stressed, and always on edge (suspecting every other person of being involved.) I can't say I totally loved it all, but The 7th Floor is still a good film and it's hard to go wrong when you have the great Ricardo Darin in the lead role.
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