Enter Nowhere (2011)
A clunky film that actually has some fun ideas
28 February 2022
'Enter Nowhere' is an ambitious little film. On paper I imagine it was very good and hence able to secure some - perhaps not huge at the time - but above average actors and actresses for an independent film. The problem comes in how the package is put together.

It's clunky is how I would best describe it. The setting is very uninspired. It looks like they went 30 metres behind someone's house and filmed it all there. It's a very visually dull film. Also I can't tell if the acting is bad or they're just being given some very wooden lines to deliver. Probably a little bit of both. Finally the sound mixing is way off. The dialogue is spoken very quietly but everything else that happens is loud. It's quite frustrating.

Does any of that matter tough if the story is interesting? It does, but it certainly helps to placate it. There's a mysterious beginning to the plot and then we get little reveals as the characters work them out along the way. It's really well done in that sense. Some very interesting ideas that are able to keep the film afloat.

I wanted to like this film more. I liked the ideas it had and with a bigger budget and a little more experience behind and in front of the camera it could've been something special. A generous 6/10.
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